What an amazing year. Full of ups and downs, laughs and tears, lots of sleep deprivation. But the one consistent this year has been the above ray of sunshine! It has been pure joy watching her grow into the beautiful little girl she is. Each month has brought a whole new level of fun to our household! Sadie is full of energy; quick to laugh, always chatting away about something adorable;) She loves books, loves "reading" to us, playing peek a boo, "walking" around outside, being the center of attention, playing with other kids, cuddling with us. My favorite part of this year has been watching her heart for other people develop. She loves people. Her heart is huge, sympathetic, and sensitive to others' emotions. She is concerned when someone is hurt, sad when they cry, happy when they smile, and quick to hug no matter what. I'm so impressed by the little person she's become, and I learn so much about Christ's love from her every day. Excited to see her grow even more over this next year! Happy one year, baby girl:) We love you more than we can express.