Saturday, December 28, 2019

39th birthday goals

I haven’t posted on here in forever. It’s amazing to look back on these posts and see how much has changed since starting this blog. God is good. All the time. No matter what.

Today is my 39th birthday. I want to go into my 40th strong; solid in my relationship with Christ and feeling healthy. So I have some daily goals for this year.

Daily quiet time goals: Reading in God’s Word/Biblestudy

Improving my prayer life/ living a Spirit filled life: daily prayer steps
1. Adoration- Acknowledging God’s character and attributes. Praising Him for His love, power, majesty, gift of Christ.
2. Confession- Exhale. Acknowledge personal sin specifically. Then acknowledge Christ has already forgiven you. Repent, asking God to give you strength to go against sinful desires.
3. Inhale- Surrender control of life to God. Trust Him to direct and empower you.
4. Ask to be filled with the Spirit.
5. Thanksgiving- Tell God how grateful you are for everything, even in the midst of unpleasant things. Thankfulness will help you see His purposes.
6. Supplication- Pray for others and for yourself making specific requests.

After quiet time, Exercise!! Let’s see if I can do this every day for the next year;) I want to hit my 40th birthday feeling young.

For those of you reading this, thank you for joining me on this journey:)

Quiet time and workout #1 DONE!:)